Daily Gemini Horoscope August 21 (21/08)


May 21 − Jun 21

Alias: Alias: The Twins

August 21


daily gemini horoscope:

summary gemini daily

Star 10/10

People talk about experiencing luck from being in the right place at the right time. There are also times when the right words said in the right ear of the right person can bring impressive results. You rarely have any problem with saying the right words. It also appears as if youre about to say them to the right person in a way that brings a significant stride where you and someone else have been only able to take small steps.


summary gemini tomorrow

Star 8/10

You have your idea about how something should be done or where a certain arrangement goes from here, and it appears someone else has a very different idea or vision. The root of any issue or dispute seems to be connected with each of you drawing upon personal experience in some way. Youre both looking at what youve achieved historically where a certain plan is concerned. Future success relies on the two of you agreeing to look forward, not backward.


summary gemini weekly

Star 8/10

This week, its important to allow your mind to become even more sponge-like than you normally allow it to be. Theres something you need to learn and truly grasp the concept of. It might have been your inability to get your head around whatever-it-is that has been a source of frustration in recent weeks. However, with a New Moon Solar Eclipse influencing ideas and thinking, you can expect a revelation of some kind. This epiphany can help make much lighter work of something youve been struggling to understand.


summary gemini monthly

Star 9/10

For many Geminis, a long, drawn-out legal saga or battle comes to a close this month. Other Geminis will be taking a significant step where studying or forming connections with individuals or organizations overseas are concerned. However, communication is prone to misunderstandings or misinterpretation during most of August, so ensure any dialogue - verbal, written or electronic - is conveyed with crystal clarity and understood by your recipients. At the end of August, it becomes clear how strong one idea or proposal is. Seize the chance to make it happen!


health gemini daily

Star 7/10

Wishing you were at a different place with your health does little, while taking some action does a lot. If you find yourself daydreaming about better health and fitness, try to bring yourself to focus on a goal of some kind. You can write down your goal and from there build a realistic plan to get there. Actions such as these create momentum that can propel you forward. When you find yourself wishing on a star ... remember that you are the real star!


health gemini tomorrow

Star 9/10

In a moment of insecurity, you may thrive because your tendency is to labor your way through doubt. When your courage returns, it will be wise to check your health goals. Are you focussing too much on diet when you really need to boost your circulation through aerobic exercise? Are you drinking enough water to help your internal organs regulate or are you using shortcuts? Try to relax your mind enough to get the answers to these questions - yoga is recommended.


health gemini weekly

Star 7/10

With a packed health zone, you seem to be going out of your way to stay fit and well. If you\re suffering from any ongoing symptoms, this is the time to get them checked and healed. Talk to people who can help, and get a second opinion if necessary. There could be a delay in getting test results. You might have to try a few times until you get them.


health gemini monthly

Star 8/10

You might benefit from calming meditation or a chance for quiet reflection over this month, as a lively focus could leave you feeling restless. Feeding your brain and nervous system with the right supplements, such as fish oil or magnesium, can help ease any stress and tension and enable you to cope better. However, there are other reasons why taking time out from the hustle and bustle of life can be good for you. This could be a very eventful few weeks, so you may find that strengthening your immune system by eating well and exercising will also be very beneficial.


love gemini daily

Star 10/10

Friends, partners, and family are in a rebellious mood today, and will not be trying to put on any kind of front or faade for your peace of mind. The celestial configuration means that they are upfront, loud, and sassy, and you may wish you could disown them. But you too may need to take a page from their book. Be honest yourself, instead of trying to please everyone.


love gemini tomorrow

Star 7/10

This is a good time to cook for your loved one and bring them to their knees by your gentle care and attentiveness. Take the lead in the conversation and talk about things that soothe and relax. Include a few witty jokes and some intellectually stimulating conversation, and by the end of the evening they should be eating out of your hand, and will have forgotten the plate.


love gemini weekly

Star 8/10

What is the one characteristic that you cant live without when it comes to a date or lover? Do the people you are interested in right now possess that trait? If not, youre probably wasting your time. There are no lost causes over the weekend, but there are a lot of bad ideas. Run your romantic notions by some good friends before trying them out in real life.


love gemini monthly

Star 7/10

Youre already an imaginative lover, but the creative boost you get from the Venus-Neptune trine on August 12 puts you over the top. Potential romantic partners are in for something special! Saturns retrograde cycle comes to a halt on August 25, which intensifies your focus when it comes to what you really want. You arent the most committed sign, but if theres ever a time you have settling down in mind, this is it. August 26 brings a conjunction between the Sun and Mercury, which could cause people to be poor listeners. You may have to share your thoughts again when your sweeties more focused.


career gemini daily

Star 8/10

Someone is giving you only half-truths and this is making it difficult for you to operate productively. You may have to consult many different people in order to get the full scoop on the situation. This time spent researching will be worth it.


career gemini tomorrow

Star 9/10

Your instincts are right on target, so don\t be afraid to vocalize what you know to be true. You are on the right track with regard to your work. Move forward with great confidence. If you are looking for a job, this is a good time to interview.


career gemini weekly

Star 9/10

If you\re facing a request that seems difficult or unreasonable, avoid saying no. This is a powerful time to earn recognition. Look for innovative approaches to problems. Be aware that if you rush off without consulting others, they may misunderstand your motives midweek. Be sure everyone is on the same page. Sunday begins a month-long improvement in your ability to coordinate and share ideas. Network with as many people as possible.


career gemini monthly

Star 8/10

A legal matter will be decided favorably in early August, allowing you to move forward with a bold creative initiative. Dont waste valuable time questioning your luck on August 7. Instead, get to work turning a professional dream into reality. Getting paid to do something you love will be the answer to a prayer. Around August 21, youll get a glowing reference from an influential executive. Dont be shy about using this quote at the top of a press release or advertisement. When people know you have the trust and admiration of this prominent individual, they will take a chance on you.



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