Daily Aries Horoscope August 01 (01/08)


Mar 21 − Apr 19

Alias: Alias: The Ram

August 01


daily aries horoscope:

summary aries daily

Star 8/10

You could be tempted to be too ambitious or possibly put your needs above someone elses now. This could be the result of push coming to shove in some way or you believing looking after your interests is necessary if support or understanding you need from certain quarters isnt forthcoming. At some point, youll have to answer once again to whoever youre defying. Enjoy having the upper hand while you can.


summary aries tomorrow

Star 7/10

You might feel as if a weight has been lifted or youve managed to navigate certain tricky territory but wont be able to release yourself immediately from certain commitments. You might feel youve taken a significant step forward, but it could become clear how you have to backtrack to honor obligations you thought werent in need of honoring. Youre performing a delicate balancing act now, but you can do it.


summary aries weekly

Star 10/10

You dont claim to have all the answers or at least, hopefully, you dont! Its by accepting what you dont know or understand this week that the greatest progress can be made. This could involve you accepting a shortfall of knowledge within yourself. It might involve you making this clear to someone else. In any case, a valuable learning curve of some kind is about to present itself. The key to maximizing its potential involves saying those three words that so many people struggle to say: I dont know.


summary aries monthly

Star 8/10

Thoughts and ideas about how to boost your income will be in abundance but you could feel encouraged to cease thinking about ways to enhance your bank balance and start taking action to make it happen. This would be plain sailing if you didnt encounter your ideas or proposals to be met with resistance by someone who believes they know better than you about what you should be doing. Dont allow this to become a battle of wills. Smile and do as youre told in the knowledge you have Plan B up your sleeve.


health aries daily

Star 8/10

Today\s planetary alignment gives you a sense of expansiveness in your home life, in your emotional life, and in your relationship with yourself. Use this energy to square away any unresolved issues in your home life. This could mean looking into your health habits and asking yourself if you\re really \"living\" as comfortably as you want to be. Do you eat enough green leafy vegetables to keep the digestive track running properly? This is one kind of \"spring cleaning\" that must go on all year!


health aries tomorrow

Star 8/10

When you feel hurt, you tend to turn your hard side toward the outside world to protect yourself, thinking thoughts like \"never again\" and \"goodbye forever.\" But you don\t stay that way forever. To help gently ease yourself out of this \"stuck\" position, keep yourself going on your usual health regimen. Keep the water flowing through your system, keep the blood circulating with running, walking, or other aerobic exercise, and most of all keep your emotions in check so they don\t disturb your sleep pattern.


health aries weekly

Star 7/10

This is a great time to take a break. Make sure to get out in the fresh air and spend plenty of time in nature. If a beach holiday isn\t possible and you need something more adventurous, think about hiking in the mountains or camping in the woods. This puts you in touch with the earth. You\ll feel much better as a result.


health aries monthly

Star 9/10

The first three weeks of this month are for nurturing yourself and enjoying homey comforts and good food. Dont ignore your bodys request for rest and a chance to catch up on sleep, as giving in to it can do you much good. If your efforts at work have been suffering due to a lack of energy, making more time for yourself and for a little self-care could put you back on track. With Mercury, your health planet, easing into Leo on August 5, you could also benefit from getting involved in team sports for the exercise and the camaraderie.


love aries daily

Star 7/10

Friends and partners continue to be extremely sociable at the moment, and you may find yourself inundated with requests for dates and outings. However, you don\t want to annoy or play off two people, one against each other. You are hot property, and others seem wildly disposed toward you. You don\t want to suffer from total burnout, so guard against excess. But then again, you can keep your options open.


love aries tomorrow

Star 8/10

You could benefit from some very constructive thinking, and certainly some quiet reflection today. You need to clear up just how much of the current conflict with your loved one is actually your fault, and how much is attributable to them. It takes two to tango. But the threads that create that knot of tension need unraveling very carefully in order to reach a state of clarity.


love aries weekly

Star 10/10

Things are about to get real. Make a vow to yourself in the beginning of the week to either get serious about pursuing the person youve had your eye on lately or move on. Your love life isnt the only thing you have to focus on over the weekend, which could shift it into low priority. Make sure your other responsibilities are taken care of before you stop to flirt.


love aries monthly

Star 7/10

When Venus enters Gemini on August 4, youre the kind of flirt who knows what to say, how to say it, and whom to say it to! In other words, you have no problem coming up with tempting one-liners and steamy invites. Youre disappointed by a crush during the Venus/Neptune square on August 17, and realizing the truth about the person could be eye opening. At least its better to find out now than waste more time pining away. Mars enters extroverted Leo on August 20 and youre easily aroused. Dont just settle for the first person you see. Look for someone with long-term potential.


career aries daily

Star 10/10

At a time in which you were hoping to celebrate tremendous success on something you have been working on, you may become quite distraught as you realize that you have forgotten one very important detail: the big picture. Not all hope is lost.


career aries tomorrow

Star 8/10

Take a more revolutionary approach today. At first you may feel like you are going out on an unsteady limb by doing so, but once you take this leap of faith, you will find many helping hands to support you. You can\t go wrong with forward thinking.


career aries weekly

Star 8/10

Do your best at this time to start a project or assignment long before the deadline. Careful preparation will save time and aggravation later. Be aware that office flirtations at this time can make things both exciting and complex. Get enough sleep and stay as calm as possible. Conflict over who is boss may mask a deeper issue. This period is ideal for a group presentation or team-building effort.


career aries monthly

Star 9/10

Your career could reach a turning point around August 9. A raise, promotion, or prominent position could be awarded to you at the start of August. Presiding over a company or important division will bring out the best in you. Youll have to phase out products and services that are no longer turning a profit. Breathe deeply, keep calm, and continue to focus on your ultimate goal: a healthier operation that yields an impressive profit. On August 23, youll be inspired to develop a creative product. The powers that be will be reluctant to back this commodity. Its up to you to promote it nonstop.



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