Daily Aquarius Horoscope February 22 (22/02)


Jan 20 − Feb 18

Alias: Alias: The Water Bearer

February 22


daily aquarius horoscope:

summary aquarius daily

Star 9/10

The Moons influence in your solar sector of invisibility and contemplation could see you taking stock of various areas of your world and possibly where complacency might have set in. This could be particularly true where certain friendships or alliances are concerned. Is support being shown by you toward others being reciprocated? It might be time to redefine where you stand.


summary aquarius tomorrow

Star 10/10

Wanting to do something your way makes sense to you but could be met with resistance by someone you could do with having on your side. You might believe you have an accurate assessment of what needs doing and why it needs doing your way but being receptive to someones input could reveal a gap in your strategy. Try to be flexible where flexibility is needed.


summary aquarius weekly

Star 7/10

In the same way it can be unhelpful to ponder the past and what could have been done differently, its equally unhelpful to be in too much of a rush to alter the future. Its whats unfolding here and now that needs attention and deserves to be savored and celebrated, despite how a situation may appear. As Mercury links with Uranus, Youre about to make a valuable, helpful and timely discovery. A sense of unease will be replaced with something to be truly glad of.


summary aquarius monthly

Star 8/10

Venus arrival in your solar sector of communication and ideas will sweeten negotiations or discussions and this will be helpful as Mars, in the same sector, could cause exchanges to be unintentionally confrontational at times. On the 10th, a Lunar Eclipse in your sector of commitments and contracts will boost your optimism about a partnerships future. A Solar Eclipse on the 26th in your earnings sector could mark the start of a new or improved source of income.


health aquarius daily

Star 9/10

There are times when you, who are typically emotional and internalized, can be outgoing and glamorous, and with today\s planetary alignment, you have the opportunity to shine! You may experience a day or two of feeling you want to entertain and share your bubbly mood with those you love. Why not spread good cheer with a bountiful feast made from organic produce that is grown locally? Prepare a meal with the intention to spread this feeling of well being throughout your intimate community.


health aquarius tomorrow

Star 10/10

Your romantic nature may be easily aroused these days. The movement of the planets gives you a chance to separate your mind from your body to a certain degree, giving you greater sensation in your body than your sometimes overwhelming emotions. To enhance this experience, be sure to get regular exercise and eat light but nourishing foods such as fresh salads or seasonal vegetables and fish. Your sensitivities will tantalize you and probably someone else,too!


health aquarius weekly

Star 10/10

This could be an intense time, so keep yourself grounded. If you forget to feed and rest your body, you\re going to be more prone to accidents and other health problems. Stay aware and you\ll be able to maneuver through the days ahead. There could be a lot of stress around, so try to stay relaxed.


health aquarius monthly

Star 10/10

The Moon is your health planet, so the Lunar Eclipse on February 10 could have an effect on your well-being, especially during the first two weeks of the month. Try to cut down on stress by resolving problems rather than letting them fester, and be quick to contain any fallout in a key relationship. A focus on harmony, positivity, and loving energies can greatly help your state of mind and bring peace to your environment. It would also be a good idea to feed your nerves by taking omega-3 supplements or eating oily fish, as these may stabilize your mood and help you feel great inside and out.


love aquarius daily

Star 7/10

With a favorable aspect today, you would do best to be honest and open today, rather than trying to maintain an air of mystery. Someone important to you has wonderful news to share, and this needs your immediate attention because it involves you in a wonderful opportunity. Share your enthusiasm rather than feigning cynicism, which deep in your heart you don\t feel.


love aquarius tomorrow

Star 10/10

The past and present seem to connect, with today\s challenging aspect. It may be that while out with your latest love interest, you bump into an old flame who reminds you of a whole chunk of your life, and brings back a corresponding flood of memories. This may make you wonder about what you have been missing, so perhaps it is time to get your priorities in order.


love aquarius weekly

Star 9/10

Sometimes it isn\t what you know but who you know. Take advantage of your vast social network to find a date, or at least a hot prospect, at the beginning of the week. Sometimes the pursuit can be more fun than the actual prize! If someone close to you pretends to be an expert in your love life over the weekend, you might have to call their bluff. It\s nice when friends want to help, but meddling isn\t really appreciated.


love aquarius monthly

Star 8/10

You\re relieved when Mercury enters Aquarius on February 7, and your communication style reflects it. There isn\t an \"off\" button for your brain, and you\re able to think up more than one quirky scheme to win the person of your dreams. There\s a Leo Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse on February 10, which also benefits from Jupiter\s fortunate effects. You shouldn\t rely entirely on luck, but it\s on your side if and when you need it. Mercury spends time in unclear Pisces, starting on February 25, so getting your signals crossed is likely. Confirm the details of a date twice to make sure you\ve got them right.


career aquarius daily

Star 7/10

Work from home today if you can. If this is not possible, add a houseplant and some extra pictures to your desk at work. You will find that the security of your own personal environment is much more conducive to getting your work done.


career aquarius tomorrow

Star 9/10

You are in a difficult position today. In order for you to move ahead with your work, it seems that you will have to step on someone else\s toes. Be sensitive to this other person or your actions will backfire quite badly later on down the road.


career aquarius weekly

Star 9/10

This is a powerful time to combine ambitious plans with good customer service. Teamwork and training sessions can help you develop useful friendships. Don\t hesitate to network with people you don\t know well. Pay attention to details. This is also a good time to organize your workspace. Carefully consider any expansion or sudden change. Things will take longer than you expect. Do a cost/benefit analysis if you\re considering a break from your usual habits.


career aquarius monthly

Star 8/10

A professional partnership might come to an end, leaving you free to pursue other opportunities after February 10. Take this opportunity to pursue clients and customers who live overseas. People who live in other countries may have a special appreciation for what you have to offer. If you\re sent on a business trip, you could greatly expand your profit base after signing an agreement with a successful company. An impressive paycheck could arrive on February 26, courtesy of a powerful Solar Eclipse. Use this money to fund a creative project that is close to your heart, perhaps seed money for a handicraft business.



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