Daily Virgo Horoscope January 25 (25/01)


Aug 23 − Sep 22

Alias: Alias: The Virgin

January 25


daily virgo horoscope:

summary virgo daily

Star 10/10

The saying about letting sleeping dogs lie comes to mind now. In an area of your world, youd be wise to avoid interfering in a situation currently causing no problems but may well do so as a result of interference on your part. What is calm or offering some level of stability or predictability needs to be left that way. As tempted as you might be to poke or prod it, it is best left alone. A process of improvement and healing is at work. Let it do what it needs to do.


summary virgo tomorrow

Star 7/10

Willingness exists in all of us to help and support others. We just need to be reassured of what it is were supporting or assisting with. The first thought that sometimes enters our minds involves whether or not were helping someone who might need to be taking action themselves in a particular way. Yet, someones enthusiasm can be enough to convince anyone to join them. Allow your enthusiasm for a certain plan to encourage assistance or support where you need both.


summary virgo weekly

Star 7/10

This weeks link between Mercury and Neptune is most likely to affect your love life or your standing within a key involvement. A shift on some level is likely and this could serve to revive your interest or willingness to reinvest effort where youd convinced yourself doing so was unnecessary or even futile. Coming events could confirm how something or someone that once mattered greatly to you is becoming a priority once again. Its never too late to revive a dream.


summary virgo monthly

Star 9/10

Venus will be influencing your relationships and commitment sector, bringing harmony and affectionate energy to your love life. Bask in warmth on offer in your emotional world because youll need to focus positive energy toward your social life around the time of the Full Moon on the 12th. Diplomacy and sensitivity will be needed to confront and resolve a tense situation, possibly involving a friend. A sudden development on the career front at month end could make you smile.


health virgo daily

Star 10/10

Have you ever noticed how good intentions can sometimes misfire? The approach is often at fault, not the intention. So it is with good health. If you want to steer yourself in a new direction, do so knowing that change is hard for anyone. Dont be any harder on yourself than you would a dear friend. The easiest things to change are habits that cause immediate effect. Increase the amount of water you drink, and notice how your appetite decreases.


health virgo tomorrow

Star 8/10

The cosmic climate gives you the emotional security to pick and choose what you want. Whom you hang out with, what you have for dinner, when you go to bed - these desires are made clearer at this time. On the other hand, be on the lookout that certain areas of your life dont fluctuate with your changing moods. You should try to exercise at least three times a week. If you fail to do so because you "just werent in the mood," I guarantee your mood will worsen.


health virgo weekly

Star 9/10

Your social life may ratchet up now. All you care about is having a good time! One way to stay healthy and still have fun is to join a fitness club or other sports group. You can benefit from positive group interaction and stay on your toes, too. Find friends who support your same goals and youll flourish.


health virgo monthly

Star 10/10

Investing in your health can bring big rewards this month if you can stick with your new plans. However, to make the most of any money you spend, consider first whether you have time to stick with it. You could find that positive changes at home, perhaps resolving a family issue, can also help you feel more upbeat and hopeful about the future. This, too, could help your spirits soar. From January 19, you might want to zero in on those issues that matter the most. The New Moon on January 26 is the best time to start any new regimen or therapy.


love virgo daily

Star 8/10

You are by nature a creature of the ocean, and very much attuned to its tides and rhythms. The celestial configuration is now bringing you into alignment with an even deeper set of rhythms: those associated with the subconscious mind. It is by looking more closely at your dreams, or taking notice of your intuitions and gut reactions that you can make real progress in your personal relationships.


love virgo tomorrow

Star 10/10

Although you may find yourself undecided as to how you should proceed today with respect to a certain relationship, the planetary atmosphere enables you at least to understand how you fit into the situation. And although it may prove virtually impossible to do anything about it all at the moment, you will certainly know exactly what steps to take when the time is right.


love virgo weekly

Star 7/10

Does a recent rejection still sting? Are you feeling like youll never get another chance to be happy in love? Guess what? The beginning of the week is a very hopeful time in your love life, so you should start to see rays of sunshine peeking out from behind the clouds very soon. Meeting someone new over the weekend makes you wonder if love at first sight really does exist. Theres that sunshine!


love virgo monthly

Star 9/10

If youve been working on other areas rather than focusing on your love life, youll be happy on January 1. Youre finally making some romantic progress, which is satisfying on many levels. Mercury retrograde ends on January 8, and its a relief when communication becomes more natural and less stressful. Asking someone out for the first time is never easy, but youre comfortable enough to get a positive response. The Moon moves through intense Scorpio from January 19 through January 21, making you more jealous than usual. The good news is that youre a much more qualified candidate!


career virgo daily

Star 8/10

A major shift has just taken place that will have a tremendous effect on the next 7 years. During this time, you will need to tune more into your intuitive side to reap the success you are looking for with regard to your career. Go with the flow.


career virgo tomorrow

Star 8/10

You will have a burst of physical energy today that will inspire you to tackle many projects with little difficulty. Just make sure that you dont annoy others as you do so. Your tendency may be to steamroll over people to get certain things done.


career virgo weekly

Star 9/10

Delays and setbacks may ease at last. A decision could mean a green light for a project youve started. The focus is on developing supportive contacts. Youre likely to find a niche that brings hope for a better future. Collaborate with others to bring ideas together in new and more effective ways. Trust your intuition when you need to know what to do next. A new chapter begins now.


career virgo monthly

Star 8/10

A lofty idea could fall flat in the middle of the month. Its possible this concept wasnt tested enough before being presented to the public. Instead of pointing the finger at others, be willing to take the blame. Your adult attitude will make a good impression on your employer. Its possible youll be transferred to a different division around January 26. Being able to work with more adventurous people will be a relief. You arent interested in offering the same old formula to the marketplace. Youre determined to serve people who are often neglected by mainstream culture. This is a worthy goal.



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